Protecting Your Hard-Earned Assets
Asset protection is protecting your assets against attack by creditors and is a foundational building block of estate planning. Anyone who is concerned about their contractual liabilities or being named as a defendant in a civil dispute needs an asset protection plan.
Bartley Law is well versed in developing an asset protection plan for you that guards your assets and puts a protective “wall” around your estate and your family’s nest egg from external attack. We can design a multi-layered plan that consists of different barriers of protection to defeat creditor attacks.
Our Asset Protection practice area will protect your income and assets from judgments and garnishments. When someone tries to enforce a judgment against you, there are certain types of income and assets that are protected by Florida Law and the Florida Constitution. While we focus on protecting your income and assets before issues arise, there are a number of strategies that can be implemented to protect you against an issue that has already arisen.
All of our strategies and legal structures are designed to put your assets and income out of the reach of creditors.